Tortelloni are a classic pasta shape – beautiful and delicious and a lot easier to make than they look. Here you find all instructions for the pasta dough.
While the dough is resting, it is time to make the filling. Spinach and ricotta is creamy, tastes great and it is good to work with in filled pasta. Frozen spinach hardly contains less vitamins than the fresh product, you can use it nicely. Crush two or three cloves of garlic with the blade of your kitchen knife. Add it to the spinach with some salt, pepper, nutmeg and a little water. Let it simmer until the spinach becomes soft and bright green.
Remove the garlic, you may still use it for a broth. Within the pasta filling you do not want pieces of garlic, just pure green taste. Let the spinach cool down for a little while.
Now you have to remove all water from the spinach. You can use a spoon in a sieve/colander or work with your hand. Be vigorous.
Mix all other ingredients for the filling in a bowl (grated parmesan, ricotta and spices as indicated in the ingredients).
Use a mixer to create a paste. If you don’t have one, use a knife. The filling does not have to be completely homogenous, but whole spinach leaves should be avoided.
The dough should have rested by now. Cut off a piece (the rest should always be protected from drying out) and flatten it with a rolling pin. You can now use a pasta machine or continue working with the rolling pin. Traditionally made pasta needs some time. Through a machine you pass the dough several times, through each setting from thick to thin. Do not skip any setting in between. The dough is ready when it starts becoming a little transparent.
Use a knife or pasta cutter to cut the dough in even squares. They should be about 6 cm (2,5 inches) in size. If you are practised and have the time and ambition, you can also work with smaller squares.
Now place a little bit of the filling in the middle of the square leaving the edges clear. If the dough feels dry and not sticky enough, you can moisten the edges with a wet finger. Form a triangle and take care not to include air with the filling. Press both parts of dough firmly together, the dough should not be double as thick but rather as thick as the single sheet again. This way, the tortelloni will hold well together and the next step will be easier.
Now things get exciting. Pasta for pros! Hold the triangle with the right angle facing you. The edges may slightly be twisted upwards.
Now press the filling inwards (towards the right angle) in a way that your finger rests in a hollow. Now you can place the two other edges on top of each other and press them together. Ready! Do not despair if they do not look as desired in your first try, they will be delicious anyhow.
Now cook the tortellini in plenty of salted water. Depending on their size, about 4 minutes of cooking time should be sufficient.
You can serve the tortelloni with some melted butter and grated parmesan cheese. This is the classic way!
We added a really simple and fruity tomato sauce just with tomato, salt, pepper and olive oil. This can also be a delicious alternative.
And may the taste be with you.
Ingredients (for 4 people):
Pasta dough:
300 g flour (special wheat flour for Pasta / in Italy: Tipo 00)
120 g egg yolk
100 g full egg
Half a spoon of white vinegar
3 g salt
250 g spinach leaves (can be frozen)
200 g ricotta cheese
100 g Parmesan
2 cloves of garlic
grated lemon peel (organic lemon)
Salt, Pepper
Olive oil and butter
Grated parmesan cheese
Tomato cubes (optional)