Black garlic oil

We have already explained how to make a delicious chili oil yourself. It is even easier to prepare a black garlic oil (“Ma-Yu”). Like the chili oil, it is excellent for seasoning Ramen.

Unfortunately, this oil cannot be stored for as long as the chili oil, which is why you should make smaller quantities. It can be stored at room temperature protected from light for about a month.

First, peel the garlic. We have explained the easiest way to do this here.

Now chop the garlic cloves coarsely

Heat neutral oil until a wooden stick dipped in forms bubbles. Then add the garlic and immediately turn the heat down to low. The garlic should now roast slowly and not burn immediately.

Stir once in a while with a fork so that no lumps form. Depending on the heat, it now takes 15 – 30 minutes until the garlic has turned golden brown.

From now on, the garlic is darking very quickly and you should not leave the pot unattended. Within a few minutes, the garlic will turn black.

Once this is done, remove the pot from the heat and immediately add toasted sesame oil so that the temperature drops quickly and the garlic does not turn into bitter ash.

Let the oil cool down and then mix it thoroughly with a hand blender until it has turned completely black. We then pour it through a very fine sieve into a jar for storage.

Store protected from light and at room temperature


And may the taste be with you.

Ingredients (for 250 ml oil):

150 ml neutral vegetable oil (germ oil)

50 g garlic

100 ml toasted sesame oil

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