Yu Xiang Qie Zi

This sensational Szechuan dish translates as ‘fish-fragrant aubergine’ (鱼香茄子) and we think one should know about it. Fish is not included in this dish, its name may come from the fact that the accompanying sauce is also used to prepare fish dishes.

It requires two special ingredients: Doubanjiang, a spicy, coarse paste made from fermented beans and chilli peppers. You can find very good products by searching for ‘Pixian Hong You Douban’ and ‘Pixian Doubanjiang Juan Cheng’. Black Chinkiang vinegar is also indispensable. Both can be found in well-stocked Asian grocery stores and are never missing from our larder.

Chinese cuisine often involves deep-frying and this dish classically also starts with deep-frying aubergines. However, this is usually impractical for the household because the oil should be reused and must therefore be stored. You can find tips on how to do this here.

The following technique makes life easier:

First, we cut the aubergines into large pieces of about 4 cm. Often strips are cut, but we prefer the Rangiri style: you cut off a first piece at an angle of 45 degrees and then turn the vegetables 45 degrees around the longitudinal axis before cutting off another piece at the same angle. The result is similar sized pieces that cook in the same time, but are all shaped differently and provide a variety of textures. Find out more about this here.

The dish works with any type of aubergine, but the thin and long Chinese aubergines are not often available over here

Place the aubergine pieces in well-salted water for 15 minutes or a little longer. A deep plate should be placed on top to keep the upper pieces under water. This technique ensures that the aubergines absorb less oil later.

Then dry the aubergine pieces on a clean kitchen towel.

Optionally, you can lightly dust the dried pieces with starch and toss them in it. This ensures a crispier surface when frying.

Now fry the aubergines in a little neutral vegetable oil. A very high heat is important here. The vegetables do not need to be turned all the time, just allow them to colour well on one side before turning them over.

After about 4 minutes, the surface will be golden brown. It is then best to place the aubergines on a rack over a tray or on kitchen paper so that excess oil can drip off.

The rest is done quickly. When cooking wok dishes, it is always particularly important to have all the ingredients ready because the cooking process is so quick. Garlic and ginger are peeled and not chopped too finely. Spring onions are also not chopped too finely and the white and green parts are separated. A seasoning sauce made from soy, black vinegar and sugar is mixed and starch is dissolved in a little water.

The wok comes into play again, this time with very little oil and again on a high heat. Doubanjiang is roasted for 30 seconds to allow the flavours to develop.

Now add the garlic, ginger and the white part of the spring onions and stir-fry everything for just under a minute until it is intensely fragrant.

Add the seasoning sauce as well as the starch slurry to the wok and bring everything to the boil for a further minute.

The fried aubergine pieces are added next and the temperature is reduced to medium-high heat. It is important that the aubergines are given time to absorb the flavours. About four minutes will do.

The dish is now finished, just add the green part of the spring onions to the wok for a little freshness and stir in.

That is all. Can be served individually on some rice in a bowl or on a platter to share.


And may the taste be with you.

Ingredients (for 2 people as a full meal with rice):

600 g aubergines

1 tbsp salt

Optional: 2 tsp starch

Neutral vegetable oil

1 – 1.5 tbsp doubanjiang

4 cloves of garlic

4 cm ginger

4 spring onions

Seasoning sauce:

1.5 tbsp light-coloured soy sauce

1 tbsp Chinkiang vinegar

1 tbsp sugar (we use icing sugar)

5 tbsp water

1 tsp starch

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