
Especially for the studying NextGens, here is a very quick and easy preparation that everyone in Germany knows. You can even learn something about cooking in the process, because the right temperatures determine the flavour, which you can get a lot out of if you do it right.

For two people, you need half a pack of pasta, i.e. 250 g dry weight. The pasta should be short and have a large surface area, like fusilli. We recommend the somewhat less common gemelli, which are a little more compact and therefore easier to sauté.

The pasta is cooked in well-salted water according to the instructions on the packet, but it should be drained one minute before the specified time has elapsed, as it is still being processed and should not become too soft at the end. Add a tablespoon of butter to the hot pasta and mix thoroughly to prevent the pasta from sticking together.

In the remaining butter, slowly sauté the onions, halved and cut lengthways into 3 mm strips, over a medium heat ( we: 6 out of 10) with a pinch of salt, stirring only occasionally, until they begin to take on a delicate colour.

This is where the first important flavour for this dish is created – too much heat will spoil it

Then add the cooked pasta and gently fry in the onion butter for 3-4 minutes over the same heat, stirring constantly.

Mix in the cooked ham cut into strips and heat gently with the pasta for a further 2 minutes.

Now it is important to reduce the temperature (we: 3 out of 10). The pan is already hot and will remain so. The gentle temperature ensures that the other ingredients are perfectly combined.

Beat the eggs thoroughly with a fork to a homogeneous, airy liquid, pour over the pasta and immediately spread carefully throughout the pan. There will still be places with more and less egg, and that is how it should be. Grated hard cheese is sprinkled on top, a savoury mountain cheese is best. However, cheeses that melt easily, such as cheddar or provolone, would not be suitable.

Let the pasta sauté gently for 30 seconds, then stir everything carefully, wait another 30 seconds and so on. The egg sets slowly, the cheese melts slowly, the flavours develop and the dish does not become dry. Now season to taste with salt and pepper.

The dish is done after 3 – 4 minutes. Fresh chopped parsley is the last ingredient.


And may the taste be with you.

Ingredients (for 2 people):

250 g short pasta with plenty of surface area (gemelli, fusilli)

2 – 3 onions

50 g butter

150 – 200 g cooked ham

3 eggs

100 – 150 g hard cheese, grated

Salt and pepper


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