Pasta alla Zozzona

Zozzona means “dirty” pasta and is the name of this dish, which originates from Lazio, the region around the city of Rome. In a sumptuous way, it combines the classic Roman pasta dishes Madame Chilipepper has created a very instructive…

Pasta e fagioli

Pasta and beans, that’s what this is all about. Pasta e fagioli is one of our absolute favourite dishes from rural Italian cuisine. It is prepared in a very similar way to pasta e ceci, a dish with chickpeas. In…

Pasta e ceci

Our main goal is to provide recipes and explanations, especially for young people and beginners. Pasta e ceci is a simple, healthy and inexpensive dish that can be easily prepared vegetarian or vegan and is ab-so-lute-ly delicious. Who should not…


Forewarning: This is not a recipe that you can reproduce quickly. Tortellini are not suitable for fast cooking anyway. If you love cooking and pasta, you should nevertheless give these little marvels a try. There is a dispute, between Bologna…

Pasta alla Nerano

In our family, zucchini are controversial, there are those who consider them utterly redundant and downright dull, others love their nutty, delicate flavor. But with this dish, everyone agrees it’s simply delicious. The particularly creamy texture comes from just a…

Ragù Classico

In Bologna, this beautiful city with its delicious food, they don’t serve “bolognese”, but ragù. This sauce is not eaten there with spaghetti either, because it is too thick for such fine pasta and therefore does not go together harmoniously.…

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